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5 Seconds of Summer – Youngblood

Hier ist für Euch der Songtext zu „Youngblood“, dem neuen Song von 5 Seconds of Summer.

Remember the words you told me Love me ‚til the day I die?
Surrender my everything ‚cause you made me believe you’re mine
Yeah, you used to call me baby, now you calling me by name
Takes one to know one, yeah
You beat me at my own damn game

You push and you push and I’m pulling away
Pulling away from you
I give and I give and I give and you take, give and you take

Young blood
Say you want me
Say you want me out of your life

And I’m just a dead man walking tonight
But you need it, yeah, you need it
All of the time

Young blood
Say you want me
Say you want me back in your life

So I’m just a dead man crawling tonight
‚Cause I need it, yeah, I need it
All of the time

Lately, our conversations end like it’s the last goodbye
Yeah, one of us gets too drunk and calls about a hundred times
So who you been calling baby? Nobody could take my place
When you looking at those strangers
Hope to god you see my face

Young blood
Say you want me
Say you want me out of your life

And I’m just a dead man walking tonight
But you need it, yeah, you need it
All of the time

Young blood
Say you want me
Say you want me back in your life

So I’m just a dead man crawling tonight
‚Cause I need it, yeah, I need it
All of the time

You’re pushing, you’re pushing
I’m pulling away
Pulling away from you
I give and I give and I give and you take, give and you take
Running and running, I’m running away
Running away from you
Mmh, from you

Young blood
Say you want me
Say you want me out of your life
And I’m just a dead man walking tonight
But you need it, yeah you need it
All of the time

Young blood
Say you want me
Say you want me back in your life
So I’m just a dead man crawling tonight
‚Cause I need it, yeah I need it
All of the time

You’re pushing, you’re pushing
I’m pulling away
Pulling away from you
I give and I give and I give and you take, give and you take

Young blood
Say you want me
Say you want me out of your life
And I’m just a dead man walking tonight

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