Alphaville – Sounds Like a Melody

Aus dem Album „Forever Young“ der Text zu dem Lied „Sounds Like a Melody“.

It’s a trick of my mind
Two faces bathing in the screenlight
She’s so soft and warm in my arms
I tune it into the scene
My hands are resting on her shoulders
When we’re dancing away for a while
Oh we’re moving, we’re falling
We step into the fire
By the hour of the wolf in a midnight dream
There’s no reason to hurry
Just start that brand new story
Set it alight, we’re head over heels in love
Head over heels

The ringing of your laughter
It sounds like a melody
To once forbidden places
We’ll go for a while
The ringing of your laughter
It sounds like a melody
To once forbidden places
We’ll go for a while

It’s the definite show
Our shadows resting in the moonlight
It’s so clear and bright in your eyes
It’s the touch of your sighs
My lips are resting on your shoulder
When we’re moving so soft and slow
We need the ecstasy, the jealousy
The comedy of love
Like the Cary Grants and Kellys once before
Give me more tragedy, more harmony
And fantasy, my dear
And set it alight, just starting that satellite
Set it alight

The ringing of your laughter
It sounds like a melody
To once forbidden places
We’ll go for a while
The ringing of your laughter
It sounds like a melody
To once forbidden places
We’ll go for a, go for a while

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