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Barclay James Harvest – Hymn

Der Text zu dem Song „Hymn“ von Barclay James Harvest aus dem Album „Gone to Earth“ veröffentlicht in dem Jahre 1977.

Valley’s deep and the mountains so high, if you want to
see God you’ve got to move to the other side.
You stand up there with your head in the clouds, don’t try
to fly you know you might not come down.
Don’t try to fly, dear God, you might not come down.
Jesus came down from Heaven to earth
The People said it was a virgin birth
Jesus came down from Heaven to earth
The People said it was a virgin birth
He told great stories of the Lord
And said he was the saviour of us all
He told great stories of the Lord

And said he was the saviour of us all
For this they/we killed him,
nailed him up high
He rose again as if to ask us why
Then he ascended intop the sky
As if to say in God alone you soar
As if to say in God alone we fly.
Valley’s deep and the mountains so high, if you want to
see God you’ve got to move to the other side.
You stand up there with your head in the clouds, don’t try
to fly you know you might not come down.
Don’t try to fly, dear God, you might not come down.

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