Ed Sheeran – How Would You Feel

Aus dem bevorstehenden Album „Divide“ der Song „How Would You Feel“ mit Text.

You are the one, girl
And you know that it’s true
I’m feeling younger
Every time that I’m alone with you

We were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in a front yard
We got questions we should not ask, but

How would you feel
If I told you I loved you
It’s just something that I want to do
I’ll be taking my time
Spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too

In the summer
As the lilacs bloom
Love flows deeper than a river
Every moment that I spend with you

We were sat upon our best friend’s roof
I had both of my arms around you
Watching the sunrise replace the moon, but

How would you feel
If I told you I loved you
It’s just something that I want to do
I’ll be taking my time
Spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too

Yeah, we were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in a front yard
We got questions we should not ask

How would you feel
If I told you I loved you
It’s just something that I want to do
I’ll be taking my time
Spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
Tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too

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