Emiliana Torrini – Jungle Drum

Der Text zu dem Lied „Jungle Drum“ aus dem Album „Me and Armini“ aus dem Jahre 2008, von Emiliana Torrini.

Hey, I’m in love
My fingers keep on clicking
To the beating of my heart

Hey, I can’t stop my feet
Ebony and ivory
And dancing in the street

Hey, it’s ‚cause of you
The world is in a crazy hazy hue…

My heart is beating like a jungle drum
My heart is beating like a jungle drum
My heart is beating like a jungle drum
My heart is beating like a jungle drum

Man, you got me burnin‘
I’m the moment between
The striking and the fire

Hey, read my lips
‚Cause all they say is
„Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!“

No, it won’t ever stop
My hands are in the chair
Yes, I’m in love!

My heart is beating like a jungle drum
My heart is beating like a jungle drum
My heart is beating like a jungle drum
My heart is beating like a jungle drum

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