Felix Jaehn feat. R. City und Bori – Jennie

Das neue Lied „Jennie“ von Felix Jaehn feat. R. City und Bori. Geht super ins Ohr.

Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
You know you can’t say is no

Meanwhile no problems
Me tarin be one of your my name
All your girlfriend name call ‚em (…)
And I see them (…)
I get played cause I was just hunting
Come take my number and hit me

Cell phone ring
Get ‚em on the line
Pull up on again, come true tonight
You about a ting, you know see a time
Girl come for a ride
Up on my roller coaster

Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And all you can say is no
Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And now you can say is no
Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And all you can say is no

Meanwhile no problems
Me tarin be one of your my name
All your girlfriend name call ‚em (…)
And I see them (…)
I get played cause I was just hunting
Come take my number and hit me in my name

Cell phone ring
Get ‚em on the line
Pull up on again, come true tonight
You about a ting, you know see a time
Girl come for a ride
Up on my roller coaster

Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
You know you can’t say is no
Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And all you can say is no
Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And all you can say is no, no, no

Why do we fight then falls
All night and day oh-eh-oh-eh
We should be making some love
Come right my way oh-eh-oh-eh
If we can go back and forth
We’ll get no play oh-eh-oh-eh
Girl come lend me all your clothes
Rub up oh-eh-oh-eh-oh-eh-oh-eh

Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And all you can say is no
Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And now you can say is no
Jennie, talk to me, Jennie
You make me go crazy
And all you can say is no

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