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Hugo Helmig – Please Don’t Lie

Hier ist der Songtext zu „Please Don’t Lie“ von Hugo Helmig. Habt Spaß beim mitsingen.

I see you’re on vacation
It really looks nice
A perfect situation
From your perfect life
Girl, you look amazing
When you edit your eyes
Tell me what you’re chasing

And baby, please don’t lie, please don’t lie to me
Do you have it all?
Please don’t lie to me
You know I can’t ignore
When you’re posing for a perfect picture while you hide behind your pretty smile
Please don’t lie, please don’t lie to me

I want you out on the dance floor
Ain’t that what you came for?
Be right here, right now
No need to act like you own it
Just stay through the moment
I’m right here, right now
So don’t lie to me
Don’t lie to me

I miss the conversations
And I must admit
The way you pay attention
Has changed a bit
I know that you were drowning
In your perfect life
Tell me all about it, yeah

But baby, please don’t lie
Please don’t lie to me
Do you have it all?
Please don’t lie to me
You know I can’t ignore
When you’re posing for a perfect picture while you hide behind your pretty smile
Please don’t lie, please don’t lie to me

I want you out on the dance floor
Ain’t that what you came for
Be right here, right now
No need to act like you own it
Just stay through the moment
I’m right here, right now
So don’t lie to me
Don’t lie to me

Please don’t lie to me
Please don’t lie to me, uh
When you’re posing for a perfect picture while you hide behind your pretty smile
Please don’t lie, please don’t lie to me

I want you out on the dance floor
Ain’t that what you came for
Be right here, right now
No need to act like you own it
Just stay through the moment
I’m right here, right now

So don’t lie to me
Don’t lie to me
So don’t lie to me
Don’t lie to me

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