Kygo & Selena Gomez – It ain’t me

Zu dem Lied „It ain’t me“ der Text zum mitsingen.

I had a dream
We were sipping whiskey neat
Highest floor, The Bowery
Nowhere’s high enough
Somewhere along the lines
We stopped seeing eye to eye
You were staying out all night
And I had enough

No, I don’t wanna know
Where you been or where you’re goin‘
But I know I won’t be home
And you’ll be on your own

Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who’s gonna rock you when the sun won’t let you sleep?
Who’s waking up to drive you home when you’re drunk and all alone?
Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me

I had a dream
We were back to seventeen
Summer nights and the liberties
Never growing up
I’ll take with me
The polaroids and the memories
But you know I’m gonna leave
Behind the worst of us

Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who’s gonna rock you when the sun won’t let you sleep?
Who’s waking up to drive you home when you’re drunk and all alone?
Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?

It ain’t me (no, no)
It ain’t me (no, no)
It ain’t me (no, no)
Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?

It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me
(The Bowery, whiskey neat, where you’re going)
It ain’t me

Na na na na na, Bowery
Na na na na na, whiskey neat
(Where you going)
It ain’t me

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