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Martin Garrix feat. Bonn – High On Life

Der neue Song „High On Life“ von Martin Garrix feat. Bonn. Viel Spaß beim mitsingen.

Killed the demons of my mind
Ever since you came around
We’re a river running wild
How could I have been so blind?

I just live a fast life
Forget about the past time
Numb out to escape my feels
And friendships only pass by
Show up, gone, like strobe lights
With you, I feel something real

And I’d walk a million miles just to see you smile
Till the day I die
Oh, I need you by my side, we’d get high on life
Till the day we die

High on life till the day we die
High on life till the day we die

High on life till the day we die
And I’d walk a million miles just to see you smile
Till the day I die

High on life till the day we die

Through my fingers, out of sight
How could I have let you go?
Cutting corners, turning stones
But I can only see your ghost

I just live a fast life
Forget about the past time
Numb out to escape my feels
And friendships only pass by
Show up, gone, like strobe lights
With you, I feel something real

And I’d walk a million miles just to see you smile
Till the day I die
Oh, I need you by my side, we’d get high on life
Till the day we die

High on life till the day we die
Oh, I need you by my side, we’d get high on life
Till the day we die

High on life till the day we die

And I’d walk a million miles just to see you smile
Till the day I die
Oh, I need you by my side, we’d get high on life
Till the day we die

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