Post Malone – Rich & Sad

Hier ist für Euch der Songtext zu „Rich & Sad“ der neue Song von Post Melone, der Song ist auch auf Ihrem neuen Album Beerpongs & Bentleys zu finden.

Hundred thousand for the chain and now my drop (drop)
When I pull out the garage, I chop my top
Just like a fiend, when I start I cannot stop
I got, I got hella guap, look at me now
Ooh, covered in carats
Ooh, mahogany cabinets
Ooh, I ball like the Mavericks
Ooh, stable and stallions
Ooh, massive medallions
Ooh, I finally had it
Ooh, but then you just vanished
Damn, I thought I was savage

All this stuntin‘ couldn’t set this fire, my soul
Got a hundred big places, but I’m still alone

Ayy, I would throw it all away
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay
You ain’t never cared about that bullshit anyway
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay, ayy
You know I would throw it all away
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay
Price went up, my price went up, we went our separate ways
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay, ayy, ayy

Buy me love, try to buy me love
Now I’m alone, Ice Box, Omarion (ooh)
Plenty sluts, grabbin‘ on my nuts (woah)
Might have fucked, it was only lust
I was livin‘ life, how could I have known?
Couldn’t listen to advice ‚cause I’m never wrong (oh)
In the spotlight, but I’m on my own (oh)
Now they’re all gone (now they’re all gone)

All this stuntin‘ couldn’t set this fire, my soul
Got a hundred big places, but I’m still alone

Ayy, I would throw it all away
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay
You ain’t never cared about that bullshit anyway
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay, ayy
You know I would throw it all away
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay
Price went up, my price went up, we went our separate ways
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay, ayy, ayy

I don’t even wanna go home
In a big house, all alone (all alone)
I don’t even wanna go home (no, no, no)
But I’ma try to call you on the phone

I would throw it all away
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay
You ain’t never cared about that bullshit anyway
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay (made you stay)
Ayy, you know I would throw it all away
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay (made you stay)
Price went up, my price went up,
we went our separate ways (separate ways)
I just keep on wishin‘ that the money made you stay (made you stay)
Ayy, ayy

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