Sunrise Avenue – I Help You Hate Me

I Help You Hate ist der neueste Hit von Sunrise Avenue

I know you wanna see me falling out, falling out the window
I know you wanna see me crashing down, crashing with my plane
Baby, I’m way to young to die
But I’ll help you get over me

I broke many hearts through out my days
Yours was the hardest one to face
Though I’ve never been a saint, I still love you everyday
Just not the lover kind of way
I know it’s somewhere in me down
This won’t be easy on you now
You could cry and you could grieve, then you will get over me
And you turn your life around (‚cause)

I know you wanna see me falling out, falling out the window
I know you wanna see me crashing down, crashing with my plane
Baby, I’m way to young to die
But I’ll help you get over me
(I help you hate me)
(I help you hate me)

I know you wanna see me falling out, falling out the window
I know you wanna see me crashing down, crashing with my plane
Baby, I’m way to young to die
But I’ll help you get over me
(I help you hate me)
(I help you hate me)

I’ll eat fast food every night
So I’m not easy on the eyes, yeah
I change my profile picture too, I took an ugly one for you
To help you say goodbye
To help you let go, I wear the t-shirt you hate
Let my hair grow, not in the good kind of way
I stay at home, make sure you never see me
Smile again (‚cause)

I know you wanna see me falling out, falling out the window
I know you wanna see me crashing down, crashing with my plane
Baby, I’m way to young to die
But I’ll help you get over me
(I help you hate me)
(I help you hate me)

I know you wanna see me falling out, falling out the window
I know you wanna see me crashing down, crashing with my plane
Baby, I’m way to young to die
But I’ll help you get over me
(I help you hate me)
(I help you hate me)

Oh yeah
I’m helping you hate me, but I can’t let you break all my bones
‚Cause baby, I’m way to young to die
But I’ll help you get over me
(I help you hate me)
(I help you hate me)

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